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Mollie Ellis

Role: I help to organise talks, practicals and charity events alongside the other committee members. I am also in charge of communicating with other veterinary zoological societies at other vet schools across the country!

Course: Veterinary Medicine 

Year of Study: 4

Favourite Exotic Animal: Rhino

About: My love for exotics, particularly wild animals, began at a very young age after my first trip to South Africa. I’ve completed a number of zoo placements, but last Summer I spent just over two weeks in South Africa with the Vets Go Wild course and fell in love with the job! I’m looking forward to being part of the UNVZS committee for a second year and hopefully continuing organising interesting talks and events based around the work of a wildlife vet. I also loved raising money for charities last year, for example by holding the quiz nights, so expect plenty more of those this year!

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