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Adam Shuttleworth

Role: I am responsible for keeping all of our members (and non-members) up to date with the society's goings on. I will also be spamming most of you on a weekly basis with our famous Friday Facts!

Course: Veterinary Medicine

Year of Study: 3

Favourite Exotic Animal: Otters (Lutra lutra)

About: Originally from a town called Ramsbottom (hilarious - I know) I am a semi-northener and I am particularly interested in British wildlife and have been lucky enough to work with otters, beavers, harvest mice, water voles, etc. in the past.  Even though I only own a tortoise and a degu (if she counts) in the way of exotics myself I am keen to learn more about conservation and I am always looking for ways to get involved and try to make a difference. Just to explain the picture - I was raising money for charity; I don't usually dress like this!

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